Sunday, June 30, 2013

Chinese military in S.China Sea 'threatens peace'

The Philippines said that an increasing Chinese military and paramilitary presence in the disputed South China Sea was a threat to regional peace.

US navy personnel (R) observe their Philippine counterparts during a drill west of Manila on June 28, 2013. The Philippines said that an increasing Chinese military and paramilitary presence in the disputed South China Sea was a threat to regional peace.

Philippine Foreign Affairs Secretary Albert Del Rosario made the statement in a press release issued at a regional security forum attended by his counterparts from the 10-member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) and China.

"Del Rosario today expressed serious concern over the increasing militarisation of the South China Sea," the statement said.

He said there was a "massive presence of Chinese military and paramilitary ships" at two groups of islets within the Philippines' exclusive economic zone called Scarborough Shoal and Second Thomas Shoal.

Del Rosario described the Chinese military presence at these islets as "threats to efforts to maintain maritime peace and stability in the region".

Del Rosario said the Chinese actions violated a pact made in 2002 in which rival claimants to the sea pledged not to take any actions that may increase tensions.

The declaration on conduct signed by Asean nations and China also committed rival claimants to resolve their disputes "without resorting to the threat or use of force".

"We reiterate our continued advocacy for a peaceful and rules-based settlement of disputes in accordance with universally recognised principles of international law," Del Rosario said.

China claims nearly all of the strategically vital and potentially resource-rich South China Sea, even waters approaching the coasts of neighbouring countries.

Asean members the Philippines, Vietnam, Brunei and Malaysia, as well as Taiwan, also have competing claims to parts of the sea.

The rivalries have for decades been a source of regional tension, with China and Vietnam fighting deadly battles for control of some islands in the sea.

Tensions have built in recent years with the Philippines, Vietnam and some other countries expressing concern at increasingly assertive Chinese military and diplomatic tactics to assert control of the sea.

Manila says China has effectively occupied Scarborough Shoal, a rich fishing ground far closer to Philippine land than Chinese, for more than a year.

The Philippines says China has recently also deployed vessels to intimidate a tiny Philippine garrison on Second Thomas Shoal that has been stationed there since the mid 1990s.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Menopause: What It Is and Ways to Manage It ? About Obesity Surgery

What is menopause? Menopause is the cessation of a woman?s monthly blood flow. If a woman has not experienced menstrual flow for 12 consecutive months, she is menopausal.

Except in the case of surgery, chemotherapy or specific medical conditions that interfere with regular hormonal functions, menopause occurs at the end of a process, which may last from months to years. During the process, periods may become irregular but not stop and a woman may intermittently experience other symptoms of menopause. When a woman is experiencing symptoms but has not yet been without periods for 12 consecutive months, she is peri-menopausal. A woman may become peri-menopausal as early as her thirties or as late as her fifties.

What are symptoms of menopause? Symptoms of menopause fall into five broad categories:

1) Changes in blood vessel dilation and constriction. This blood vessel activity causes hot ?flashes? and sleep irregularities. Hot flashes are not related to the internal temperature of the body but rather to the temperature of the skin. There are various theories about why, during menopause, women?s skin temperatures may rise periodically as much as 7 degrees. One of the most intriguing theories is that women who experience hot flashes have a very narrow comfort zone ? that zone where they are neither sweating nor chilled. Estrogen seems to widen that zone; conversely lower estrogen narrows the zone. (Studies conducted by Dr. Robert R. Freedman and colleagues, Wayne State Univ., Detroit). Hot flashes contribute to sleep irregularities.

2) Urinary/genital tract changes. Women may experience thinning, drying, itching and bleeding in the vaginal area sometimes associated with pain on intercourse. Another issue may be urinary frequency, urgency or incontinence.

3) Bone changes. Changes in the bones may result in osteopenia (pre-osteoporosis), osteoporosis, joint and muscle pain or back pain.

4) Skin and soft tissue changes. Skin may thin as part of menopause or lose elasticity and breasts may become smaller. These changes are associated with the loss in estrogen that accompanies menopause.

5) Psychological/mood changes. Changes in mood may include irritability and depression or be accompanied by fatigue and memory loss.

How can menopausal discomforts be moderated? Not all women experience menopausal discomfort at a level that it requires therapy. How women experience menopause, a natural stage in the lifecycle of a woman, is in part a matter of genetics, in part a matter of general health and nutrition and in part a matter of culture. There has been great interest lately in the fact that Asian women typically do not engage in hormone replacement therapy or consume dairy products and yet have virtually no osteoporosis as they age and progress through menopause.

1) Self-care. Ideally a self-care program begins well in advance of menopause. Preferably it is a lifelong project. It is never too late to begin, however. Self-care includes good nutrition, effective and regular exercise and mood maintenance.

Good nutrition means the appropriate balance of carbohydrate, protein and fats. Carbohydrates and fats should be of the types that promote health, that is, complex carbohydrates low on the glycemic index and mono-unsaturated and poly-unsaturated fats with the correct balance of omega 3s and omega 6s. For vitamins and minerals, eat a wide range of vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains and beans daily. Maintain the proper Ph balance in the body by limiting dairy products except for probiotics like yogurt. Eliminate simple sugars from the diet as much as possible and focus on getting adequate fiber in the diet.

Establish a daily exercise routine that includes weight bearing exercise, stretching and low-impact aerobic activity. Maintain a healthy weight. Maintain mood with proven techniques like focused breathing, meditation, a gratitude journal, meaningful activity and significant, satisfying relationships.

2) Nutritional approaches. There is a wide range of nutritional alternatives to HRT, often combined with a program of supplementation and /or herbal therapies as well as with the self-care techniques mentioned above. While some sources indicate these alternatives are not clinically proven, they have nonetheless been effective for many women.

Nutritional approaches may include plant estrogens, such as those found in soy products as well as oats, cashews, almonds, alfalfa, apples and flaxseeds. Magnesium can also help to reduce hot flashes. Magnesium is found in soy products and in whole grains and beans. Sufficient dietary fiber can help to reduce irritability. Essential fatty acids can alleviate symptoms of aging, including a reduction in skin elasticity and they can help with dryness in the vaginal region. They also act as natural hormone supplements. Multivitamin/mineral supplements should be chosen with particular attention to their magnesium content. In addition, vitamin E can have a significant impact on vaginal dryness and hot flashes. A variety of herbs have been used, among them, wild yam (for hot flashes), alfalfa, sarsaparilla, motherwort (vaginal dryness), valerian root (promotes sleep), ginseng and black cohosh. Dong quai has been used for centuries in China to provide relief for menopausal symptoms.

3) Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). HRT has been the most common therapy for the symptoms of menopause in the United States. It is particularly effective for hot flashes, virtually eliminating them shortly after therapy is begun. It has long been considered effective in protecting against osteoporosis because of the effect of estrogen in strengthening bone and enhancing calcification.

Following the Women?s Health Initiative Study (WHI) of the National Institutes of Health, halted in July 2002, HRT has become controversial, however. Although hormone replacement has been proved to offer many benefits, including reduced osteoporosis, there are also greater risks associated with it, including breast cancer. Patients and physicians must make the decision about HRT together, based on individual medical situations. Not only is there a decision about whether or not to use HRT but what kind of HRT: unopposed estrogen (estrogen alone), estrogen and progestin, or one or both of those hormones administered along with testosterone. Among the other things a physician will consider with his/her patient is genetic history and age. There are also differences between women with an intact uterus and women without a uterus. While breast cancer is a greater risk for the first, osteoporosis may be a greater risk for the latter. Recent reports suggest that extended use of unopposed estrogen in women who have had a hysterectomy may even reduce breast cancer, although it poses unacceptably high cancer risks to women who have not had a hysterectomy. In the latter case if used, estrogen will probably be accompanied by progestin. There has been recent interest in bioidentical hormone replacement therapies, that is, estrogen and progestin that duplicate the hormones in a woman?s body (as opposed to equine hormonal products). Studies are promising but not yet advanced enough for certainty.

Special issues. Among particular issues that may confront women in relation to the significant physical change that menopause represents are fibroids and osteoporosis. Fibroids are primarily associated with peri-menopause, that is, the time before menopause, which is marked by twelve consecutive months in which there is no menstruation. While osteopenia may begin during the peri-menopausal time, osteoporosis is associated more strongly with menopause and aging.

1) Fibroids. Fibroids are (usually benign) tumors, generally located in the uterus or uterine wall. They may range in size from less than an inch to larger than a grapefruit. Size is often explained by relating it to pregnancy, i.e., eight weeks or twelve weeks. No one is certain exactly what causes fibroids, although generally they shrink after menopause, so estrogen levels may be a factor.

Women are most likely to have fibroids if they are of childbearing age, are African-American, are obese and / or have not had children. Fibroids have been linked to an under active thyroid, so thyroid testing, treatment and monitoring should certainly be part of a preventive reproductive health program. Most women do not experience symptoms. If there are symptoms, they are most likely to include heavy bleeding or painful periods, bleeding between periods, frequent urination, pain during sex, lower back pain, reproductive problems, or a feeling of fullness or swelling in the lower abdomen. Treatments include drugs (pain relievers or medications to reduce the size of the fibroids), surgery (myomectomy, hysterectomy, endometrial ablation, myolisis); and uterine fibroid embolization (UFE). Myomectomy removes the fibroid but leaves the healthy uterine tissue. Hysterectomy removes the entire uterus. Endometrial ablation removes the endometrial lining of the uterus, which relieves heavy bleeding. In myolisis, an electrical needle is inserted into the uterus through a small incision in the abdomen to destroy the blood vessels feeding the fibroid. UFE is a treatment that cuts off the blood supply to the uterus and the fibroids so they shrink. It is becoming an alternative to hysterectomy and myomectomy. Which of these treatments is used must be determined in consultation with a physician. The clinical evidence supporting natural treatments for fibroids is scarce. For the most part, natural treatments are preventive or treat the symptoms but do not address the fibroids themselves once they are in place.

There are some reports that eating less red meat and pork reduces fibroids and some women have reported success with becoming vegetarian. Include raw nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables in the diet as well as foods high in germanium, that is, garlic, shiitake mushrooms and onions that help improve tissue oxygenation. Avoid caffeine, which has been implicated in fibrocystitis. Recommended nutritional supplements include vitamins A, B-complex, C, K and bioflavonoids. Recommended botanical herbs include chaste tree, ginger, cranesbill, shepherd?s purse, ragwort, blue cohosh and false unicorn as well as ginseng, rhubarb, cinnamon and sargassum seaweed in various combinations. These treatments and appropriate combinations must be discussed with a naturopath.

2) Osteopenia, Osteoporosis. Bone constantly reforms throughout our lives. Cells called osteoclasts reabsorb bone material while cells called osteoblasts generate new bone material. As people age, the process of reabsorbing bone material outstrips the process of generating new bone material.

Osteopenia and the more advanced osteoporosis represent an imbalance in reabsorbtion / bone generation in which osteoclasts are more active than osteoblasts, a situation caused by a reduction in estrogen. Estrogen has an important role in the strengthening and calcification of bone. A drop in estrogen at the time of menopause may also be associated with a decreased ability of the body to absorb calcium efficiently. One of the problems in how the news of the Women?s Health Initiative was brought to the public was that the increased risk of breast cancer demonstrated in some segments of the study were highlighted and other aspects of the health risks associated with aging and with menopause obscured. There is a feeling among some specialists that as a result, women are being advised to abandon HRT, at great risk to their future health. There are reports indicating that the greater danger is osteoporotic fracture and consequent disability and confinement to nursing homes at a much younger age than might otherwise be required.


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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Argentina asks U.S. Supreme Court to hear debt appeal

By Nate Raymond and Guido Nejamkis

NEW YORK/BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Argentina has taken its legal battle with "holdout" creditors to the U.S. Supreme Court, asking that body to overturn a lower court ruling in a case whose outcome could push the country into default.

The country is seeking to void an October 2012 ruling by the 2nd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New York that found it had violated a clause in its bond documents requiring it to treat creditors equally.

In its petition filed on Monday with the Supreme Court, Argentina called that ruling "irreconcilable" with Congressional intent and prior case law, and would let U.S. courts "use their coercive powers to restrain sovereign property located outside the United States."

Argentina's filing came as investors await a 2nd Circuit ruling on whether to uphold U.S. District Judge Thomas Griesa's order last November that Argentina pay holdout bondholders $1.33 billion.

The U.S. Supreme Court is finishing its term this week, and is unlikely to act on Argentina's petition before the 2nd Circuit rules in the payout case.

For the last decade, Argentina and the creditors have sparred in U.S. courts over the South American country's $100 billion default in 2002.

The creditors bringing the lawsuits are led by NML Capital Ltd, a unit of billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer's Elliott Management Corp, and Aurelius Capital Management.

They refused to take part in 2005 and 2010 debt swaps that drew participation from 93 percent of bondholders, who accepted returns as low as 25 cents on the dollar.

In his November order, Griesa had instructed Argentina to pay the holdouts the full $1.33 billion owed them the next time it serviced restructured debt.

Some investors are nervous because Argentina appears willing to enter into technical default to avoid paying the holdouts more than creditors who took part in the swaps received.

Prior court rulings in favor of holdouts and against Argentina have caused turmoil in the country's bond markets.

In its Supreme Court appeal, Argentina accused the 2nd Circuit of interfering too deeply into its affairs, despite protections afforded by the federal Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act of 1976.

Argentina said the 2nd Circuit has blocked it from paying $24 billion of debt unless it also paid holdout bondholders.

"The Second Circuit decision warrants review because it represents an unprecedented intrusion into the activities of a foreign state within its own territory that raises significant foreign relations concerns for the United States," Argentina wrote.

A spokesman for NML declined comment. Aurelius could not immediately be reached for comment.

(Reporting by Nate Raymond and Guido Nejamkis; Additional reporting by Jonathan Stempel in New York; Editing by Lisa Shumaker)


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Friday, June 21, 2013

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NEW YORK (AP) ? Paula Deen should hope for more fans like Jennifer Everett of Tyler, Texas, who carried a shopping bag filled with $53 worth of merchandise from the celebrity chef's Georgia store on Thursday. A day earlier, it was revealed that Deen admitted during questioning in a lawsuit that she had slurred blacks in the past.


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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Mother in upscale New York suburb indicted as marijuana dealer

NEW YORK (Reuters) - A mother of three in an upscale New York suburb was indicted on Tuesday on charges she ran a sophisticated marijuana operation, federal law enforcement officials said.

A federal grand jury indicted Andrea Sanderlin, 45, of Scarsdale, New York, a suburb 20 miles outside of Manhattan, said Loretta Lynch, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and other officials in a media release.

Law enforcement agents seized 2,800 marijuana plants and a large quantity of dried marijuana worth an estimated $3 million from a Queens warehouse. Sanderlin is accused of operating the facility which had state-of-the-art lighting, irrigation, electrical and ventilation systems and cost more than $9,000 a month to run.

"There's really no difference whether you're a suburban mom growing marijuana in a warehouse in Queens, or a cartel member making cocaine in the jungles of Colombia," said agent James Hayes, Jr. of the Department of Homeland Security.

Sanderlin's lawyer, Joel Winograd, was not immediately available for comment. If convicted, she faces a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison and up to $10 million in fines.

After the mother of three was arrested last month, New York City tabloids compared her lifestyle - living in a Spanish-style mansion, driving a Mercedes SUV, horseback riding in equestrian gear - to the storyline of "Weeds," a television series about a suburban mom who becomes a pot dealer.

"Sanderlin could have focused her talents on building a legitimate business enterprise to support her family and serve as a role model for her children," Lynch said in the statement.

"Instead, she allegedly chose to inhabit the shadowy underworld of large-scale drug dealers, using drug proceeds to maintain her family's facade of upper middle class stability," the prosecutor said.

(Reporting by Barbara Goldberg; Editing by Cynthia Osterman)


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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wahid's Initiative - What is the Responsibility or Role of the Finance ...

Summary: The finance department of a company is the function in a business responsible for acquiring funds for the firm, managing funds within the firm, and planning for the expenditure of funds on various assets. Without a carefully calculated business plan, the firm has little chance for endurance.


Finance department which advices the management what??share of the profit may be put in investment portfolio for acquisition, expansion, maintenance of the 'fixed capital', repayment of interest on borrowed capital, dividend to be paid to share holders,


Introduction: The finance department of a company is responsible for all of the financial aspects of a company, The Finance Department really has two fairly dissimilar jobs to perform in most companies: managing the company?s financial resources (?Finance?) and recording and reporting all its financial transactions (?Accounting?).today?s mid-sized and smaller companies don?t establish separate Finance and Accounting departments within their organizations. ?


Role of the Finance Department



Accounting and Finance is the heart of a business. Its functioning efficiently directly affects the rise and fall of a business. It is possible to survive, for a while at least, without an effective marketing plan, poor human resource management and indeed a poorly designed business strategy finance is a very essential to smooth running of the business No finance - no business No business, whether big, medium or small can be started without an adequate amount of finance. Right from the very beginning, i.e. conceiving an idea to business, finance is needed to promote or establish the business, acquire fixed assets, make investigations such as market surveys, etc., develop product, keep men and machine at work, encourages management to make progress and create value These departments are crucial to the financial well-being of a company and ensure that there is money for day-to-day operations and oversee investments strategies for future growth.




As the economy continues to develop, so does the role of the finance occupation within an organization, motivated by investments in activity resource planning, shared services and changes in its reporting role, most finance functions are becoming more efficient? requiring fewer resources to manage them and closely aligning with the company's business structure. This is especially true in the area of operation processing where superior computerization of financial transactions has enabled finance staff to increased their role and spend more time supporting decision-making processes, slightly than just processing and merging transactions.


As business processes develop and business questions become more multifaceted, the analytics essential to answer and act on these questions entail a higher level of data addition and organizational teamwork. For in-stance, historically, finance departments were oftentimes the only departments with access to accurate information about a company's financial results. However, this information was usually at an aggregated level and wasn't available until several days, sometimes weeks, after the end of the month. More and more overall organizations are integrating and standardizing their business processes and systems, allowing end users with both finance and non-finance functions to update and obtain financial information from any geographic location. This has significantly improved decision support within the organization.

The finance department of a company is answerable for all of the financial aspects of a company to achieve these objectives, accounting, finance, tax and other financial areas are developing data warehouses collective with sophisticated analytics to serve the needs of the entire enterprise. We refer to this advanced decision support capability for finance as financial analytics. This article examines the evolution of financial analytics and its effect on the state of data warehousing. These departments are crucial to the financial well-being of a company and ensure that there is money for day-to-day operations and oversee investments strategies for future growth.



01. Cash Flows:


Managing an organization?s cash flows and reorganization its financial logistics is of paramount importance to managing liquidity risk and optimizing interest charges. There are various ways to streamline daily cash management, because an organization daily cash flow is the most vital duty of the finance division. Every day, businesses spend money on office supplies, equipment and salaries, so it is important to monitor each day cash flows. The finance department can make adjustments and recommendations on how to adjust these cash flows for better presentation.


A company wants to keep enough cash at hand and enough income from accounts receivable and cash sales, to cover these debts. a company's cash flow statement, it is important to consider each of the various sections?which contribute to the overall change in cash position.?In many cases, a firm may have negative overall cash flow for a given quarter, Cash Flows from Financing Activities? is a measure of the money that a company took in or paid out to finance its activities. It represents the flow of cash between a company and its owners and creditors. Typically included in this calculation are the issuances or repurchase of common stock, the issuance or repayment of debt and the dividends paid out to shareholders.


Chief financial officer (CFO), of finance department is? major responsibility to control the cash flow position throughout the company, understand the sources and uses of cash, and maintain the reliability of funds, securities and other valuable documents. You receive, have custody of, and disburse the company?s excise and securities. CFO responsibility includes the influence to launch accounting policies and procedures for credit and collections, purchasing, payment of bills, and other financial obligations.? Cash is king and the flow of cash, or cash flow, is the most important job a CFO has in any company. and if at all possible positioned to guidance on the selection of the most suitable electronic banking and treasury management system for organization.


02. Accounts Receivable and Payable:



The finance department also makes sure accounting and reporting. Cash and banking tricks and certain Accounts Receivable activities that client who are past due are contacted and their balances paid. A company must have adequate money coming in from its operations to cover expenses, so when credit is comprehensive, it must be paid in a appropriate manner. The finance department also makes sure that credit accounts are taken care of and paying all due bills to vendors and suppliers to cover the costs of raw material or purchased goods that were bought on credit is another area that the finance department should handle. The finance department can pay bills when they are due and make decisions on what and when to pay to exploit investment strategies.





03. Taxes:


Suitable to the current intricate tax structure across the world, finance department jobs are more in demand these days. Satisfying out tax forms and addressing deductions and tax strategies can often be performed by the finance department CFO who inspects the book of accounts and records and computes the taxes according to the laws and regulations. He also the advisors to the management/individuals concerning. The tax liability, updated tax arrangement and layering out strategic plans for minimizing tax liability. They are the ones who records, maintains and calculates the complete details of the individual/ organization's assets and their income and then computes the tax liability on those assets and income. So finance departments concentrate for this field should have good knowledge of mathematics, accounts and tax laws. They should also acquire effective communication and organizational skills.


04. Investments:



Finance departments invest extra cash to make money on the interest. Although businesses should keep a small amount of cash on hand, it is wise to invest the available money to enlarge profits for shareholders' or owners' wealth. The finance department should be able to recommended short-term investment strategies for cash and instruct owners on long-term strategies.


The Finance department is responsible for managing the financial operations Functional responsibilities include accounting, financial reporting, cash management, budgeting, debt management and investments. The accounting function includes accounts receivable, accounts payable, fixed assets and general accounting. Finance departments invest extra cash to make money on the interest. Although businesses should keep a small amount of cash on hand, it is wise to invest the leftover money to increase profits for shareholders' or owners' wealth. The finance department should be able to recommended short-term investment strategies for cash and instruct owners on long-term strategies.


The responsibility for financial reporting includes preparing monthly interim financial statements as well as the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).





The accounting job is typically done by the Accounting Department; at its simplest level accounting is still about abridgment and adding up the financial values and transactions connected with a business or some other enterprise. However, accounting and the role of accountants has urbanized far beyond this simple idea. The modern accountant extracts sense from a firm?s financial data: partly to help control its behavior, partly to decide what resources are available for future development and partly to satisfy the needs of a wide range of different groups who need financial information for their own purposes.


But most important to running the companies are the reports the accountants prepare for company managers, for it is those reports that managers use to appreciate their company?s financial past and make decisions about its financial future.



Accounting within firms has developed in two principal instructions: first in fulfilling the information needs of external stakeholders and, second, in providing information to management to assist them in their decision-making and other activities. The externally oriented division of the subject is called ?financial accounting? where statements of financial concert over a period of time are twisted the income statement (formerly the profit and loss account), the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. ?Management accounting? is anxious with producing internal information for the management of the firm.


Conclusion: In today's ever-changing business surroundings, financial executives are exploring ways in which the financial function can bring greater value to their organizations. To this end, they are transforming their organizations from focusing primarily on regulatory reporting to most effectively providing the information that internal management needs to more effectively "run" the business. financial executives must now think beyond the traditional financial information contained in general ledger systems and consider how best to provide for the inclusive measures and analytical methods needed to drive decisions during complex, dynamic companies.



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